A super quick shoutout to ACE Netherlands and @Fun Man Andy for an amazing start to their first ACE session of the year... New (Lunar) Year! New you! Your Migration Journey to the Cloud w...
...hese migration features have all launched in either Public Beta or GA, which means they are available by default in the Marketplace versions of the Bitbucket Cloud Migration Assistant, Jira C...
Hello Everyone! With it being migration month I thought this was the perfect time for me to offer my set of tips when it comes to performing a Cloud Migration. Some of these tips you may h...
If you haven't heard, this January is Migrations Month in the Atlassian Community. Which means tons of events (and cloudie swag!) and new migration resources shared. So, we want to know: What are y...
For Migrations Month, we're highlighting a recent customer success story with Lucid, which you can read at 30 days to increased innovation and employee happiness: Lucid’s cloud migration story. Luc...
Hi there, Community members worldwide! I wanted to give you a heads up about an upcoming event we are hosting with a panel of cloud migrations experts from this Community. (We'll announce who...
The champagne has been popped, the ball has dropped, and we’re officially in a new year. Congratulations! 2021 was a tough one for many, but you made it. You launched, supported, strategized, and tro...
2021 was a great year for Cloud migration (and 2022 is going to be even better) Ho, ho, ho, and happy holidays! ‘Tis the season for sweet potato pie and intentionally-ugly sweaters. And ‘tis also t...
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