We are looking into using labels to find related pages on the wiki. We would like to use the macro 'Content by Label' to list the pages, but it does not seem to update relatively to the labels applie...
Hello, Confluence 5.4.4 - MS SQl 2008 R2. After upgrading to 5.4.4 a page which uses the contentByLabel macro with "Dispalay Excerpts"enabled fails to load, with a XHML timeout error (timeout aft...
I'm evaluating our test instance of Confluence 5.4.3 and am wondering what the purpose of the Content by label section is in the sidebar. I can't find anything on this in the docs for v5, so I'm hopi...
So there is some good discussion on the Content by Label documentation page, specifically around how the required labels and operators work. I am trying to understand the intended behavior because a...
We have pages that are aggregates of other pages, for instance a page about a software version that uses labels features v3-2 bugs and jira-tickets to show links to pages specific to that version. T...
I use the contentbylabel macro in a template to pull in lists of related pages based on labels. However, sometimes there are no related pages and I would like to know if there's some Velocity code I ...
Before I log a feature request, I want to be sure I haven't overlooked something. I'm also hoping you experts can help me find a way to accomplish my goal. I need to be able to select labeled con...
I have a need to take all pages with a specific label and render them into a single monolitic page. The contentbylabel macro is just about perfect - the sort options, select by content type, etc ar...
The {contentbylabel} macro seems great, but if there are more results available than the specified display limit, it just displays a message that tells the user that they are seeing only a partial li...
Hi! I am trying to figure out how I can show a list of documents that have been labeled with "specific_label". The "Blog Post" macro, is doing more or less what I want. However, on my dashboard t...
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