According to / Use Confluence macros with questions, it should be possible to use th...
I am trying to use the Content by Label Macro and add a filter by text however, the exact phrase includes letters, numbers and a symbol. I am unable to filter the exact phrase. Example - Inclu...
Is there a way to automatically populate content by label macro (or similar) with the same labels as the ones on the current page. I want to be able to create pages whe...
Hello! I used Conent by Label macro for posting the content of several articles on one page. (Is there a more elegant solution for this task?) There are 2 questions: 1) How to create a t...
Hello, I have several "content by label section" in my org's wiki space and every first item in each section has a misaligned icon. They look like this: Here's what the macro s...
The follow options: Maximum Number of Pages List Title Show Labels for Each Page Show Space Name for Each Page Are not being persisted when edited in the edit box for the New Editing Experienc...
I am trying to create a user macro similar to content by label with a few changes in the markup along with adding pagination. But I do not know what I should be setting the contents variable to, I ca...
Please help, I am new to confluence and need to add pagination to my dynamic pages which are created by using content by label macro. Is there any code out there with an example of what needs ...
Hi there, Seeking help please good colleagues on the following. Using the Content by Label macro I have a great set of files populating the panel, shown below. BIG PROBLEM is that when I click on a ...
We are using Confluence Cloud. I want to use a Content By Label macro with rich content to list some pages in another page. However, every time I add the macro it renders each page with a weird hori...
Hello guys, I'm facing some weird issue with Content by label macro in Confluence. Below action returning 404 Not Found error for all the time /labels/autocompletelabel.action?query=test&ignore...
For example, when using the HowTo template, it has a Content by Label filter showing "related pages". But it always references the current page, which seems a little dumb. Is there a way ...
I'm testing out Confluence for a team group. So far seems the best option compared to other tools out there for what we need. But have a real challenge and need any input or help to find a solution.&...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Content by Label Macro Is there a way to locate all pages that have content by label macros in them? or better yet, is there a way to locate...
We are using Confluence as a knowledge base for one of our local customer service desks. Part of the information that should be available to the CS agents is news that are relevant to them. We produc...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Content by Label Macro I want to display a link toward all pages with the same labels as the current page. This is for a knowledge base : &...
Recently the content by label macro seems to have stopped working. After some initial investigation, it is only the labels that have been added in the last 2 weeks or so that are affected. Any older ...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Content by Label Macro I would like to use the Content by Label macro to list all the meeting notes and other labels. However, fr...
Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows of a simple way to have the content by labels macro ignore spaces that are archived? I know you can enter the specific names of spaces in the Restrict field, but ...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Content by Label Macro We're using the Content by Label macro, but recently it has stopped updating when new pages are given the appropriate...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Content by Label Macro When there is no content matching the specified labels the macro displays a label icon and "There is no content with ...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Content by Label Macro When using this macro to list related articles by label, is there a way to exclude the page itself from the list?
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Content by Label Macro Is it possible to specify the labels used in this macro to be the labels attached to page? Right now, if I add a labe...
I want to be able to use the content by label macro specifiy that the ancestor id as the page itself. I can manually do this per macro by typing in the name of the page but I want to put the macro i...
I like to use two keywords like AND in this makro
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