...uilds goodwill and strengthens the bonds within your community. Try using a platform like Mantra Intranet to share public shoutouts and praises! How About Remote Teams? 🏡 We g...
...nstoppable force capable of overcoming any challenge. We’ve outlined the best strategies for making cross-functional collaboration a success in your company. Remember, the right techniques and tools are e...
...aunch into a celebration of connection and a springboard for enhanced productivity within your company. Let's delve into how: Generating Pre-Launch Excitement: Kickstart Your Intranet M...
Do you ever miss exciting company events, inspiring hackathons, or even those relaxing team-building activities in your Confluence intranet? We've all been there! But what if there was a way to s...
Despite reading every article I can find on this topic and following the instructions provided, I am still unable to successfully integrate Jira Product Discovery with our company managed Jira S...
My requirement is to add my Client company so that I can associate my SCRUM projects to my client Company. Is that possible? Appreciate any help. Thanks!
¡Hola equipo! Me refiero a todos ustedes como parte de un equipo porque lo somos. Sobre todo después de haber escuchado el #EP11 de nuestro podcast sobre Atlassian en español que grabamos a fi...
Hi, I have a team software project and a company software project. When I try to create an issue in the company project and link it to an epic created in the team project nothing comes up. Do I n...
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