各位 Jira 爱好者好!作为一名深耕 Jira 领域13年的专家,今天要和大家分享我准备 ACA-905 认证考试的完整笔记(文末附获取方式)。让我们开门见山,直奔主题! 🎯 认证基本信息 认证编码:ACA-905 认证名称:Jira Software 面板配置(Board Admin) 认证分类:Atlassian...
...s are shared with 40 public pages per certificate. This would be an expected behaviour and more info can be found here. In order to ensure that we continue to provide useful content, p...
...rom the aerial perspective. This resulted in the tables below which I share with you now with some legend. Certification details Legend Certificate/Badge Extension I would be glad if a...
Meet Suzie! Suzie works as an Atlassian Product Support Specialist for a highly regulated government department. Let's call them Exciting Government Agency, or EGA for short. As an Atlassian Cer...
Summit 2020 is now virtual Click here to register for the livestream experience. Stay tuned for updates about training and Atlassian University opportunities during the remote event. Had you alre...
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