Hi there! This question originally was posted on Atlassian developers' community (the link), but there were no any replays. So, I decided to try my luck here. For the last three releases of Jira (9...
Is it possible to add test data when running Jira with atlas-run-standalone? I’ve done this https://developer.atlassian.com/server/framework/atlassian-sdk/atlas-create-home-zip/ and it works f...
I recently installed the Atlassian SDK on my Ubuntu 18.04 setup following the Alassian hello-world tutorial here. After going through the steps, which seem a little out of date (ex. tutorial doesn't ...
...axPermSize=256M; support was removed in 8.0 [INFO] Scanning for projects... Downloading from atlassian-public: https://maven.atlassian.com/repository/public/com/atlassian/maven/plugins/maven-jira-plugin/8.0.0...
Hello guys, I have a problem with a plugin I'm creating right now. No matter which connecting string I'm using, it always says "no suitable driver found". I tried adding multiple connector j...
i try to run confluence plugin inside docker. my docker file (part of it) look like this: (importing jdk, installing atlassian plugin sdk, ...) . . . EXPOSE 1990 ENV JAVA_HOME ...
When running 'atlas-run' I see only 404 on confluence server
....IOException; import java.net.URI; import com.atlassian.sal.api.auth.LoginUriProvider; import com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserManager; public class MyPluginServlet extends HttpServlet { private static f...
...cceso-a.description">Acces to...</description> <label key="item-acceso-a.label"/> <link linkId="item-acceso-a-link" /> </web-item> <!-- Public ...--> <web-s...
I'm trying to run "Jira Software" to test out marketplace plugins and integration between Jira and Bitbucket but I've struck a snag: I can't seem to use atlas-run-standalone to launch "Jira Software"...
Im getting a compiler error indicating that source1.5 is no longer supported and needs to be on 1.6. This is the same for the target I went though the POM.xml and didn't even see any lines in ...
hi i follow all the steps from this page https://developer.atlassian.com/jiradev/jira-platform/guides/issues/tutorial-adding-content-to-the-jira-view-issue-page i have 2 problems that prob...
The error looks like i.e. "The requested resource is not available". I start 'atlas-run' and open http://localhost:7990/bitbucket in the browser. The command runs without any error but ends wit...
I'm trying to begin the development of my first Confluence plugin. I've followed the documentation steps but, when I run "atlas-run", the process fails. It downloads all maven dependencies with...
I've run the atlas-run where my pom.xml is situated ,and after that when i tried to see the result in the browser , i found this error : what can i do to solve it ? thanks in advance,
Hi, I'm always using atlas-run-standalone to start local Confluence systems to test confluence features, even with older Confluence versions (like 3.5.x or 4.3.7). Since yesterday it it always star...
...epository atlassian-public (https://m2proxy.atlassian.com/repository/public) Downloading: http://repo.myorg.com/artifactory/repo/com/atlassian/maven/plugins/maven-amps-plugin/4.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-amps-p...
Hi, I want to develop a plugin for our Jira installation and do some configuration tests. On production we're running Jira 5.2. I downloaded the Atlassian SDK (4.1.2) and installed it according t...
Hi, I am developing a report plugin for jira 5.0. when I used atlas-run command, I got the following timedout error. Could anyone help me to solve it. [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2012-06-13...
Hi, can any one help me to solve the follwing compilation errors as I am unable to solve them. C:\atlassian-plugin-sdk\bin\jira-report-plugin>atlas-run Executing: "C:\atlassian-plugin-sdk\apa...
Hi, I am trying to create a jira report plugin.To get the report I am following the given link (https://developer.atlassian.com/display/DOCS/Explore+the+Installed+SDK+and+the+atlas+Commands). ...
I get a 404 error on atlas-run command . It gives me the url http://[servername]:2998/jira but i get an 404 error . I restarted several times but no change . Does anyone have an idea ?
Im building a plugin for JIRA 4.4, what is the cause and how to resolve it: see below screenshot of the error:
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