How do I access the jira version number in bamboo when a build is triggered by the Jira-Bamboo plugin? In the metadata for the completed build I see the key triggerReason.jiraVersion with the value ...
have you seen performance being affected after viewtracker plugin was installed/enabled? our env.: CONF 3.5.3 / ~2K users / ~30K pages I will ...
This question is about the forum macro part of the community bubble plugin. Is it possible to have layered forum structure? Im trying to make a homepage forum which divides into other smaller forums ...
Hi All, How to get the security Level and for that security Level assigned members and groups inside validator class. what i need to do is if the login user not there in the level attribute i do...
I am trying to pull up a list of users in a certain group within our Confluence instance. Problem is when I try to apply a filter on the user-report macro I retrieve no one from the users list. D...
So I'm having a problem: I exported my DB save for the PLUGINDATA table and imported it just fine. I've been having a problem reimporting the plugins themselves.. [root@randomserver zipp]# mysql --...
It seems that many of the static analysis plugins I would expect to be availble do not work with Bamboo 3.2. It's dissapointing that I can't run Checkstyle, Findbugs, PMD & Cobertura reports, at ...
Currently using CJH JIRA Plugin for this but looking to upgrade from JIRA 3.13 to JIRA 4.3 and it seems not to be supported any more. Can't even find it on the plugin exchange...
...lugins from So, the UPM can reach internet, nothing appears in the log files, but Upgrade list is empty. Any idea? Regards, Thomas
Hi, how I can add/apply default rich text editor, witch is used for editing confluence pages, to my own plugin page textarea? Thanks
Hello, I tried to update the universal plugin manager. It didn't appear to work so I tried again, but it looks like all I needed to do was restart the service. The error I get now is: Error o...
In our Google Apps we have 2 domains. JIRA Studio is only showing me the users registered with my primary google apps domain. How do I add all the users registered to my second domain?
Hello, I've been trying to run plug-in updates for the past 3 days and have the above error... Any ideas how to resolve this ? Grunta
Hi, I am trying to setup the JIRA Git Plugin ( on our Windows server. And I need to connect to our Git repository on a separate...
Neither of these approaches seem to work - all items show as enabled. suggests that the first option should work. as an a...
It is allowed to embed the Atlassian plugin framework in your own application. But what about additions to this framework, like Active Objects (and therefore also the Shared Access Layer)?
I currently have a listener that is triggered on an EventType.ISSUE_UPDATED_ID. This then looks to see if the issue has been moved from a particular issue type to another by looking through the cha...
what would be a "must-have" for most Wiki instances? Please add 1 plugin per answer, so it can be up/down-voted to gauge usefulness/popularity
what would be a "must-have" for most JIRA instances? Please add 1 plugin per answer, so it can be up/down-voted to gauge usefulness/popularity
How do I setup Zendesk integration with JIRA Studio?
I hear a lot about all the Atlassian plugins out there. Where can I find and download them for installation on my product instances?
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