I'm comparing the results using the Popular macro on space x to the results from an analytic system looking at the same space. Both come very close to the top five page views (order of most hits) but...
Greetings and sorry for the horrible description from before. Is there a database query that can display more than just the top ten "Most popular content (views) for a site or space? "/spaces/usage/r...
Has anyone found a way to get Google Analytics (GA) event tracking working with attachments in Confluence? GA event tracking requires a call to the _trackEvent() method in the source code of a p...
Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to tell whether or not all the pages in a wiki space are included in the Google Analytics pageview stats. I've been searching around the internet to try a...
...eader. We put the HTML for this header in the common-header.vm which is luckily called by the Documentation Theme. However, there are some other things like metatags, and Google Analytics tags t...
Hello, I'm considering using this plugin. Does anyone know if it's compatible with Confluence 5.1? And do I need to have Google Analytics on my instance to use this plugin? Any information is g...
...voiding the option like Google Analytics, would not like to expose the intranet site) ? For example: if we need to get the report of logged in user name, sites they have visited, session duration etc
Confluence , Zen plugin and Google Analytics How to add the google analytics plugin in the Confluence page header,I tried : Browse > Confluence Admin > 'Look and Feel' - Custom HTML > E...
Hi, I am able to add google analytic script successfully for JIRA under Administrator>System>User Interface>Announcement banner. I want to add google analytics script in fisheye/crucible i...
Hi, Our onDemand instance (JIRA and Confluence) comes with a Google Analytics tag embedded. Am I correct in assuming this has been put there by Atlassian? It seems all pages - including t...
Hi, Is it possible to have usage analytics of a certain project in JIRA? If so, it will be beneficial for us, as we are getting request from our project leads. Can please explain the procedures o...
I feel a bit n00bish asking this but I thought it would be a completely trivial task but I just can't find a way. Is there no dashboard item I can use that would show simply the total time spent and ...
I was hoping to find a way to track page traffic in Confluence (without installing macros on eahc page). The installation is behind a firewell, so we can't use Goggle Analytics. I found a link t...
Is there a way to add Google Analytics to blog posts? I have a space that the administrator creates blog posts on and those become part of an RSS feed where the user can click a link to see the post....
We are embarking on an upgrade to JIRA 5, and since support for Internet Explorer 7 has been pulled, we are trying to determine the impact. Our organisation is still using IE7 as the standard browser...
...nd one of them is to do so with Google Analytics, but Google Analytics is not supported with Confluence OnDemand. [NOTE on Google Analytics: there is a separate thread in which they say that lack of s...
We would like to both see the info on the page, as well as be able to create a report. We used to use "viewtracker", but that seems to have died in confluence 3.5, and no longer available through t...
Hi All, I'd like to install Google Analytics to our Confluence. We would like to track the number of page visitor for each page. Can you please help? Thanks in advance! Rumi
We have Google analytics set up on our confluence isntance, but out of hte box, GA only tracks page views. Since attachments aren't actually page views, we don't get any metrics on downloaded a...
I need to know which users accessed a given confluence space and which users downloaded a given file. Is it possibile? Thank you
It looks like JIRA contacts Google Analytics to download ga.js. The file is loaded with every new page click in Jira. I have temporarily enabled FireBug and have attached the analysis screen shots....
...uestions: https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/10736/looking-for-user-access-statistics https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/21953/google-analytics-with-evaluation-instance-of-confluence-4-0
I have a downloaded evaluation instance of Confluence 4.0, but I can't test Google Analytics since the test host isn't on the Internet. I set up an On Demand instance, but I can't see any way to i...
Hello all, we are evaluating Confleunce for a fetature solutiona as Wiki. After some time playing with Confluence and browsing the videos, I'm yet to discover where to find basic user and content met...
Hey guys, I have links on a page that I would like automatically ordered. The ordering should be based on which links are used/visited the most. Does anyone know if this is possible on confluence...
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