Will latest version of Power Utilities for Jira "addon-ru.andreymarkelov.atlas.plugins.utils" will work in Jira 9.4.0? Thanks
I am still researching what went wrong here, but wanted to share. What did you do? A user issued the following search query in Jira 8.1.0: project in ("Tech Team Support") AND issuetype in (sub-...
Hi, I'm trying to use your plug-in - thanks. I have a query issue like issue in issuesSubtasks("status in (closed)") that works well but I can't get a similar query like issue in is...
Will you support AM Utils for 7.4.1 :) ? thx
Hello, I have installed the 'AM Utils' plugin. I have added two Custom fields. One is a text field, and another one is "Regex Based Custom Field'. I have modified the workflow and added a 'Reg...
Please help to upgrade AM Utils to the new version to support JIRA 7.2
Hi, I want to use issuesSubtasks() function in Add-on AM Utils to filter subtasks, but I cannot see the function. How to operate it? Thanks for your feedback
Hi, I am trying to consult the AM Utils plugin documentation, but I constantly bumping into an invalid page: Oops, you've found a dead link... Please advise
Hi, We are planning to upgrade JIRA software from current version 6.3.15 to latest version ie. 7.1 We have following queries. Shall we install Amutils after updating the JIRA sof...
Hello Please, can you help me ? I am getting this error from your plugin. An unknown exception occured executing Validator com.atlassian.jira.workflow.SkippableValidator@120517f4: root cause: java...
Hi, I cant see the extend jql functions in search for issues. Autocomplete does not know them and I get only errormessages. Can you give me an example jql string how to use correctly. e.g. my commen...
after install "AM utils" successfully, i found i cannot use JQL issuesSubtasks,issuesParents. i want to list all subbtasks of critical parents, my JQL is "issuesSubtasks(priority=Critical)", and i ...
Hi, Having updated to JIRA 7 and noticed the incompatibility warning for AM Utils (ru.andreymarkelov.atlas.plugins.utils) but continued. I now get an error with the workflow post functi...
Hi Andrey I am using AMutils addon, in that issue clone post function is not working, always throws below error msg. i want to clone from one project to another, to different issue type. "System e...
We are on JIRA 6.4.6. Have installed AMUtils and this is enabled. However the new JQL functions, e,g, issuesSubtasks, do not appear to be recognised. "Error in the JQL Query...." i...
Hello! I am trying Link validator (JIRA 6.3.6) on transition before "Close" but its does not work. Can you help me? Thank you!
Do you plan to update this plugin to the latest JIRA version?
Are you in the process of making your plugin 6.4 compatible? and by when do you think you would be done
Hello, Could you please document how to use relatedIssuesByQuery ? It's not documented on your Wiki, and I can't figure it out.
Would it be possible to change the time estimation post function to default to hours instead of minutes? I have a custom calculated number field that I would like to copy to Original Estimate, this w...
Hi, I like the plugin but the auto-generated attachment links when uploading are causing issues for some of my users. I'd like to keep the rest of the functionality and looking at the plugin managm...
Hi Andrey, We've downloaded the PLUG-IN for facilitate our workflow validations. Mainly, due to JQL facilities. However, when navigating to new configurations screens, we note the needs below: ...
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