Let's say I have just completed a Xray test execution which was labeled with a specific version. During that test execution I have created a new Defect (via the "Defects" column of the current test's...
Hi there, I'm trying to create a report that can handle multiple different executions for a same test concerning an identified Fix Version. So, I'm creating a filter that match the Fix Version and ...
Hi, when I try to add an Execution to a Test i get the following Errormassage: The following errors occurred while associating Test Executions with Test TESTMAN-26 User XXX does not...
Hi, how can i configure the Testececutionsection on a Test? We want to add additional columns.2016-06-30 11_33_38.png
Hi there, As 'old' Quality Center users, we used to have the possibility to add one test several times in a testset. QC call this 'Test Instance' and add a number to these tests in order to differe...
Hi there, We are currently migrating our tests from QC to Jira-XRay. I've seen the REST API, but is it possible to import testsets and their tests associations using the Jira/XRay import feature wi...
Hello, is it possible to edit an existing test at the same time as running it? Seeing a typo and correcting it, or deleting an unnecessary step for example. This was possible in QC and is seen as an ...
Hi, The Xray plugin introduces four new issue types to JIRA, all of them having a field 'Assignee', but it's unclear to me who the assignee of a Test, Test Set, Pre-Condition or Test Execution shall...
Hi, Are there any issue naming conventions that have proven to be useful when working with Xray? We already have thousands of JIRA issues in our project and we fear that the four new Xray issue...
Hi @all I' struggling by getting test executions in Xray (JIRA) wich failed and have no defect created/linked I've tried to find something usefull at the JQL Queries site from xpandit - but nothing...
There doesn't appear to be any differences but when associating a Test or Test Set with a Test Execution, no screen pops up in dev/test but it works fine in Prod.
I have tried to get to support but no one has responded. The Atlassian site for support from the Marketplace comes up with a blank web page. This is rather pressing. How do we add t...
Hi, in Xray for JIRA plugin you are able to generate a requirement coverage report. But I have not find a way to export the generated report, neither on the GUI or in the REST API documentation. Thi...
I get an issue: Xray Custom Fields Not Configured This section cannot be displayed because some required custom fields are not configured. Please make sure this project is using an "Issue ...
Hey all, X-Ray is great, but I'm running into some conceptual problems when setting it up to interact with JIRA Agile Sprints. I have a few questions: During a sprint, when the QA staff creates th...
....com/hc/communities/public/questions/203781295-Running-robot-framework-as-automation-script-in-ZBOT?locale=en-us We are still evaluating which plugin that would go best with our old workflows, and how i...
Hi, Does the number of Xray licenses have to be equal to JIRA licenses. We are trying to buy Xray licenses but when on the page it says something like your xray licenses should be equal to the numb...
To whom it may concern, We fairly recently (about a month ago) purchased the XRAY plugin to allow us to perform Test Case Management in JIRA. We're having difficulty adding attachments to test steps...
Hello, I am trying to import test execution results for my project but am having difficulty associating tests with the test execution using the REST API. I have tried to emulate the instructions fou...
Hi there just installed Xray Test Suite trial license. When trying to access the Xray cofiguration I am getting an error 404 org/joda/time/DateTime. The link displayed is .../secure/admin/views/Rav...
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