I'm trying quick time sheet, but some accounts can't see jira issues on Tuesday while other accounts work well.
Hey Guy, I have installed the app but due to unknown reasons, the page is not displaying. The main area is blank every time I open the app, the Page shows its loading but nothing happens even ...
Hi All, "Timesheet tracking for Jira" is completely free and secure app?
Hi, is it possible to add customized filters? I would need to filter the Timesheet by labels?
Is it possible to display the Ticket Title in the work log Calendar? It display only ID, Time and Comment. Title only on mouse over Kr
Is there a way that you can import the JQL to generate a time sheet rather than having to reselect the drop down filters each time, I see the option to copy the query but I can't paste it back into t...
I am on JIRA cloud. I installed the free Timetracker from Touchdown a few months ago, all working well. From the last few days, the app does not load. When I click the Top menu -> apps -> Times...
I am unable to view anything from the 'Columns' drop down. I want to be able to view labels but when it is selected it does not appear.
My organization is currently using Timesheet Tracking for Jira do log work and track time on tasks. We generate Dashboards for individuals to track their tasks and were previously able to show them t...
Using this version of Timesheet tracking for JIRA and generally app is good However not generating Filters specifically Users filter to Generate TimeSheet also Ignore inactive users also not showing ...
Hi, Thanks for this great app. I am wondering why summary field is empty? I would imagine, either of these two texts should show up. Thanks for your time, in ...
I need to know proper usage of this plugin called "Quick Time sheet" I just installed this app and later I got confusion on proper usage of this application. Is there any specific documentation f...
Timesheet tracking for Jira is not displaying results at Calendar View for this week (14-Oct to 19-Oct). I tried to log a work time from this view, it logged, but when I access again the calendar, no...
Hi, we have installed this plugin in Jira V 6.4.12. But it can't able to enable and getting "org.osgi.framework.BundleException: unresolved constrain in bundle com.tda.timesheet.report unable to res...
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