shows how to get the value of a known meta-data key in groovy. getAllMetadat...
We are evaluating the plugin and want to use the setting of project metadata in a workflow condition and/or scripted validator. Does anybody have groovy code that works with Jira 7.2+ that reads the...
I have a Custom Script Post Function, which gets executed everytime issue is created. I want to retrieve Default Value for a field from Metadata service if project code is not provided. Below is my ...
Just installed and briefly tried out the metadata plugin. I've associated a few keys and values in a project. I can see that value of that in child issues if I create a custom field and m...
First of all thanks Andreas for such nice plugin. After some hours of trying I made working using Script Runner for getting a metadata ("mykey") from given project ("RISK") Just want to share it wi...
We would like to use the "Metadata for JIRA" plugin but was wondering if it's possible to access the metadata via an API? There's some automation we'd like to use with it. Thanks!
When I updated the metadata for a JIRA project, it is affecting only the issues created after updation. that is when I try to filter issues based on metadata the issues before updating metadata are n...
Hello! Could please someone explain the method of obtaining metadata values of Project (by its ID, for example). Need groovy exaple. Thank you!
Hi How can I get metadata in my own report plugin? (no groovy, but Java) Object service = serviceosgiManager.getServiceTracker("com.osoboo.jira.metadata.MetadataService").getService() What ty...
With the version 2.3 should be available add aditional MetaData to Compomnent, Where can I see the configuration of this settting? There is a Component Tab in plugin modules but in Project Panels is ...
Objective Craft a service to refresh a certain set of project-level data in JIRA. (Version dates to be specific.) Fun facts about this service: Will be crafted with Groovy Runner (cuz it's aw...
Without giving him project manager permission... Thanks a lot!
Is there any chance that by adding metadata to JIRA using this plugin that I can then pull this data into another application for report generation? Thanks, Josh
Hi Support, I did the JIRA upgrade from version4 to the latest version, 5.0.4 . After the upgrading, I installed metada plugin based on the URL,
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