I have migrated from DC to cloud. Plantuml is not supporting in cloud. Is there any alternative for this?Can we use draw.io instead of plantuml?
I have draw well diagram using draw.io in confluence but now i am not able to open
Hi, I know very well Diagrams.net and Draw.io :). I am discovering Atlassian but unable to open Draw ?! What I can get is only this page: https://jreservices.atlassian.net/wiki/plugins/ser...
the draw.io menus are displayed when I type '/draw' on a post editor. However, the menus are not displayed on a comment editor.
Dear draw.io developers, Hi, I have created sverval big diagrams with draw.io, which includes my website's knowledge map, all in all, this app is very handy. The only thing that makes me&...
I bring up the macro, select Github and enter what I would think are obvious values, but it continually tells me diagram cannot be found or cannot be accessed. I cannot find any relevant documentatio...
Hi. It seems that there is an issue in accessing to plugins for anonymous users when anonymous access to whole instance is enabled but a space is private. So when I share a url of a plugin like draw....
Hello, I have a problem with linking different draw.io diagrams on different confluence pages. Within draw.io we make big flowchart, which exist of multiple tabs (subprocesses). Some steps within a...
I have a Confluence page with several draw.io diagrams on it. To edit them, I click the pencil icon in the upper left of the diagram, make my edits, then click Publish. Starting today, when I click P...
I've recently joined a project where the external dev team have added draw.io files to confluence pages using the draw.io macro. These images are fully zoomable, so I can narrow down to the detail o...
I am using Forms for Confluence (Cloud) by Adaptavist and I want to load data, that was input from a form, into a diagram built with draw.io We used draw.io because of the ability to essentially rec...
In the desktop app, we can set the config so that all files are saved as xml. I'd like to do the same with the drawio files. { "compressXml": false } Our use case: we have a too...
My team is seeing timeout errors in Draw.io in Confluence Cloud when attempting to save diagrams. We started to notice this yesterday. Is anyone else experiencing this? Is Dr...
Hello, I am trying to add a Drawio macro to page template however I get an Error rendering macro 'drawio' message. Is there a fix for this error? Thank you,
Quite randomly, it seems, my work on a drawio diagram is not saved by confluence cloud. I work at a fairly large corporation and did not see this issue before moving to the cloud. Four ti...
When editing a drawio file with colored rectangulars, in style I'm using the second group of colors that is suggested. When I save and load the page the color of the filling is disappearing and I can...
Receving "Unable to communicate with server. Saving is not possible at the moment." error when trying to publish page with drawing.io macro. Using Confluence cloud and no internal WAFs blocking...
Dear, we tried to use this plugin and we find a minor issue on this page. I already mark it in below picture, please check. the original english is "right to left", but I think Chin...
Hi all, after long search I found out that I can't file a bug in a narrative way, but have to ask questions here to the community. So, let's do it. The last days we updated to version 6.15.8 of con...
Is it possible to change the default style of the draw.io macro? For example make Toolbar=Embeded and Border=false the default?
Hi guys, we test the confluence plugin "draw.io" on a confluence server and compare it with "gliffy diagram"). While I very much like "draw.io", I came across one problem and I would like to...
I want to documentation for rest api availabel for draw.io. Typically, I want to export the diagram to png via rest api.
I really want to make an interactive drawing as described here: https://about.draw.io/interactive-diagrams-with-custom-links-and-actions/ Unfortunately is this stated in the link: This does not cur...
Howdy, I'd like my draw.io diagrams to scale relative to window size much like inserted images scale if I set relative width for them. Does anyone know if it's possible to implement? For exam...
Confluence is not responding once we start to draw a Draw.io diagram
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