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Trello Not Allowing Me to Mark Due Dates Complete

Lauren Anderson January 31, 2019


In my trello boards when using Firefox I'm unable to mark tasks complete using the due date function. I've tried in Chrome and it works.

My Firefox is up to date.


Please help.



2 answers

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Iain Dooley
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January 31, 2019

@Lauren Anderson seems like a few firefox users are reporting this, best to email with the bug report, if possible it'd be good to include a video such as with to illustrate the behaviour, along with your OS/browser information

Lauren Anderson January 31, 2019

Thanks for the advice! Just went to record the video and it started working..go figure. Looks like the bug has worked itself out :)

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Brittany Joiner
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January 31, 2019

Have you tried restarting your browser? I was having an issue with this last week in Chrome, but it went away pretty quickly without me doing anything. I think it might just be a bit of a bug.

Lauren Anderson January 31, 2019

Yes I tried that. Also tried restarting my whole system and no luck. It's odd because it will allow me to unmark a completed task but I cannot check one off to say it is complete.

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