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How to create a git repository in bitbucket server from a shell script

Jurgen Schober January 8, 2019

I want to split a huge repository into a lot of separate ones using the folders from the main repository. I know how to separate folders from the main repo an create new ones. However I have literally 100s of those. The only way to create a repo on the (standalone) bit bucket server is using the server frontend (web browser). Is there a simple way to do this from a script (git bash)? Is the REST API the only way to do that (with a plain http:// protocol, not HTTPS!)? Any tools I can use?

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Edwin Kyalangalilwa
Rising Star
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January 9, 2019

Hi @Jurgen Schober,

Yes, this is possible with REST API. 

For example you can use this migrate_bitbucket_server_to_bitbucket_cloud

and break down into the portion you'd like to use.

Jurgen Schober January 11, 2019

I am going with this answer for now. However, it doesn't exactly answer my question - but I should be able  to get everything I need from there. If anyone has more examples (especially using a local server without requiring HTTPS I would appreciate it).

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