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Trello has changed it's font ?

Scorobogaci Ion October 23, 2018

trello has changed it's font to something unreadable 

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Atlassian Team
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October 24, 2018

We did not change the fonts on our end. Have you recently installed new fonts that may have changed? You can also try a different computer to verify that the issue is tied to this particular machine.

Could you take a look in your Fonts system folder and try removing the Circular / Helvetica file that's in there?

Let us know if that makes a difference after reloading Trello!

Scorobogaci Ion October 25, 2018

Hi @Torben_trello , yes i have installed recently new fonts on OS .

Do you think this is affecting trello's UI ?

Let me try to remove the Circular / Helvetica

Scorobogaci Ion October 25, 2018

Helvetica Neue is there, but i need it for other programs , i don't wnat to delete it , i'm using it on Axure RP project. This would impact my work :(

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