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Need a way to import different public holidays into a calendar and show which members are affected

Chris Swinney August 27, 2017

 We have a small team (80 or so, but not all use the calendar as yet as there are vital features missing that I have outline in other posts, but untorturable remain unanswered) ), and the members are spread across the globe in multiple different countries (UK, Norway, US, Australia Spain, France Sweden etc...). We had an issue crop up where users had booked to be away however other people in other countries had public holidays that would have conflicted. These need to be clearly defined and so we need a way of importing the public holidays globally and showing which members are affected.

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Ruby Badlands September 6, 2018

Hi, did you manage to solve your problem? If yes, how?

Sachin Gavankar
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October 22, 2018


I also see the same requirement to add Country specific calendars for public holiday. Also the member user should be tagged to a location (country) calendar, so the public holidays are automatically applied to a member user.

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