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Suddenly someone's username on my team has changed, he did not change it. Security Issue?

Adam Czyrek July 13, 2018

I have had a chat room open for many months.  Suddenly overnight one of my co-workers username, as displayed in the chat, has been shortened, and he says he did nothing to change it.

Previously his name was something like: John Kline Franklin

Suddenly it shows as: JohnF

Apparently my username still has normal 2 word formatting.

For more detail, the chat thread still has John Kline Franklin in messages in the thread which were posted prior to today.  Then any message from today says JohnF.

What's going on here?

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Nágila Marques
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 13, 2018

Hi Adam, 

I would recommend reaching out to our Support team.

You can contact them here -

Thank you!

Adam Czyrek July 13, 2018


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