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Review screen questions (inline comments & horizontal scrolbar)

Alexion Software July 3, 2018


We are new to Crusible (we use JIRA for years now) and have two crucible questions:

1. Is it possible to adjust the review screen to a view with horizondal scrolbars, instead of soft wrapping?

2. Comments: is it possible to not have the comments inline but at the side? Or is it possible to collapse them (to one row or so) because the code is less readable if (a lot of) comments are made


6 answers

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Alexion Software July 20, 2018

Well, it's a pitty. We had to uninstall Crusible... :-(

It's not working for us.


Code Collaborator from SmartBear works better :-)

0 votes
Alexion Software July 16, 2018


0 votes
Alexion Software July 11, 2018

anybody else???

0 votes
Alexion Software July 10, 2018


0 votes
Alexion Software July 5, 2018

Hi Felipe,

Thank you for both explanations! The "Comments" solution works :-)

Little follow up question: how can I make these settings persistent? like: how many rows, side-by-side, softwrapping etc.


But the scrollbar solution (with no wrapping) does not work. There is a scrollbar but only under total screen and not in the consequent side-by-side windows. I need to see both sides to be able to compare, but I don't want to use soft-wrapping.

With scrollbar but only one side visible.PNG

I Want to see both sides in one view with a crollbar which scrolls both sides at the same time. Like Code Collaborator reviewer does...

With scrollbar and both sides visible - Smartbear Collaborator.PNG

Alexion Software July 5, 2018

These scrollbars do work as one scrollbar: they scroll together (if one scrolls one, the other one scrolls too)

0 votes
Felipe Kraemer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 5, 2018

Hi @Alexion Software,

It is possible to switch between "Soft Wrapping" and "No Wrapping" (which might end up resulting in having horizontal scrollbars):

Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at 10.25.40.png

Regarding the comments, as can also be seen in the image above, they can be:

  • shown "Inline" (among the source code)
  • shown "Above" (before the source code)
  • be "Hidden".

I hope this helps!



Alexion Software July 5, 2018

@Felipe Kraemer - deleted the same message (just see below)

Alexion Software July 5, 2018

In this example I have two different reviews (the top with long lines) but hopefully it makes my point ;-)

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