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Install Stride on Windows 7 SP 1 64 bit

Thimo Koenig
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June 12, 2018


a colleague if mine tries to install Stride (64 bit windows client) on his Windows 7 SP 1 (64 bit as well).

The installation aborts when he tries to start it immediately. The installer offers the option to open the installation log files but there is not a single line included.

Is that a known issue? What can he do to install stride (beside deleting this operating system)? ;-)


Thanks in advance!


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 12, 2018

Hi, Thimo.

Not having anything written into the log file can be pretty challenging when troubleshooting this issue. Most of the failed installation with errors which will give some idea on what we should be looking at.

I researched a little bit more on this behavior but could not find any specific issues that relates to what your colleague is experiencing. Let us try to cover some basics first:

  • Does the user has the administrator rights to install the application on the OS? If not, can he ensures that the right credentials is given to the user to install it?
  • Is your colleague trying to install the latest version of Stride 1.19.x downloaded from the web page - ?
  • Any other occurrences of the issue on other machines running the same version of OS?
  • Can we try to look at Event Log instead to see any errors that might relate to the Stride installation issue?

Let me know how it goes.

Thimo Koenig
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 14, 2018

Hi Ahmad,


thanks for your answer.

1) he has admin rights

2) yes, he downloaded it just before trying to install

3) i have no idea, that was one of my questions ;) he is the only windows 7 user in our team 

4) he said, that he couldnt find anthing there during installation attempts


but now he decided to install a new OS.. so.. i think we can close this ticket.


Thanks for your help!


Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 17, 2018

Hi, Thimo.

You are welcome! Sorry for the radio silence as I was out for holidays for the last couple of days. Too bad we did not get to dig deeper into the issue but if the same issue surfaces again, please reach out and let us discuss about it again. Thanks!

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