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Search tags across multiple Repositories

Cameron McGuffie
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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January 3, 2018


We work in an environment where we are constantly working on multiple projects for multiple customers at any one time. These projects can sometimes have multiple "Opportunity Numbers" associated with them and generally someone will come to us with an opp number, looking for code.

I would like to be able to just tag the repositories with the opp number and then search all repositories for tags of the number and the associated repository is listed.

I can't seem to do this with BitBucket, does anyone know how? Or, does anyone know a better way? We need everything in one place (BitBucket).


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Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 4, 2018

Hi Cameron, at the moment it's not possible to search for a tag across different repositories. If you'd like, you can submit a Feature request explaining your use case at if you're using Bitbucket Server, or site/master if you're using Bitbucket Cloud.



Cameron McGuffie
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
January 7, 2018

Thanks Ana

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
September 11, 2019

Any news on this?

Seems like all products in this space (github, gitlab, gitea,...) have searchable tags (github calls them 'Topics'). Being able to organize code by repository or subject is a big plus.

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Julius Davies _bit-booster_com_
Rising Star
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January 7, 2018


Are "opportunity numbers" related to commits, or related to repositories?

And are they strictly numeric?  If they are related to commits, and numeric, you could use the fact that Bitbucket automatically indexes (across all repos) all commits that have messages containing JIRA style ticket numbers.

And so if a commit lands for "opportunity # 123", get the developer to commit with the code "OPP-123" anywhere in the commit message.

If you do that, then searches across all repos for any instance of "OPP-123" are quite doable.  My own paid add-on's "All Branches Graph" would be able to help you.  Just put "OPP-123" in the search box on that screen.

In the screenshot notice the tabs:  "aui (4) | a (2) | b (1) | c (1)".  Those are repositories (across all projects) that contains any commit messages with "DP-788".  It leverages the fact Bitbucket already indexes all JIRA-style keys found anywhere in commit messages.



My add-on (Bit-Booster - Rebase Squash Amend) is able to report on JIRA-style keys in the commit messages like this even if you don't use JIRA.

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