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RepositoryDeletedEvent action initiated during repo import

DTS Infra Admin December 28, 2017

Whenever I'm trying to import a repo into a project through bitbucket UI, it shows progress bar and then fails with error. When i check the audit log of the project, there are two entries, one for repo creation (action mentioned as RepositoryCreatedEvent) and another for repo deletion (action mentioned as RepositoryDeletedEvent).

The Repo isnt created within the project. Has anyone else seen this error ? Is there a fix to do this through UI. 

(I can move the repo through admin UI options and clone and import repo through command line, but this option through UI isnt working. Is this a known bug ?)

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Caterina Curti
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 29, 2017

Hi team,


The fact that the repository is deleted and therefore a RepositoryDeletedEvent message is added to the audit log is a symptom that the import failed. 


To understand the cause, you would need to check the error and warning messages in the atlassian-bitbucket.log file.


What is reported there?




DTS Infra Admin January 1, 2018

Error in logs reflect : fatal: Unable to find remote helper for 'https'

As per forums, the solution to the fix isnt clear as many have asked for re-installation of the git package. Could you specify which package is needed to resolve this ? 


To verify the git package, I tried cloning the package on my desktop and it worked fine.

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