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Project Permissions

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December 13, 2017

How do I navigate to a project (collection of repositories) and grant access to another user/group for just this project? So far, I can only figure out how to grant access to all repositories owned by the team, which are organized into several projects.

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Julius Davies _bit-booster_com_
Rising Star
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December 13, 2017


Are you trying to do this for Bitbucket Cloud or Bitbucket Server (the on-prem version)?


For Bitbucket Server it's pretty easy:  project --> project-settings --> project-permissions.   Full many-to-many is implemented, and so any combination of groups and users can be assigned to any project.  Note: once you've assigned a group/user permission at the project level, you cannot further revoke or narrow the permission at a deeper (per-repo) level for the same group or user (or affected user thanks to group membership).


For Bitbucket Cloud I don't think what you want is possible (which I don't use so my advice here is all based on 15 mins trying things out). I suspect there's a strict Team --owns--> Projects hierarchy. Every project under a given "Team" will be accessible to every member of that team, though each team can be further divided into groups, with group overlap allowed.  The 4 main permissions can be assigned to each group (Admin, Write, Read, None).

To setup or manage teams:  View Profile (bottom left corner icon) --> Teams --> [select the team you want to mange].

You're probably stuck with whitelisting each individual repo for the user you have in mind.  Sorry, that's going to be a lot of clicking!


I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
December 13, 2017

Eh, alright. Thanks for the feedback!

1 vote
Firstborn March 28, 2018

Why is this feature missing from Bitbucket Cloud?  Can someone from Atlassian please comment on plans to implement this ability?

0 votes
Deleted user June 10, 2019

+1 as well! This is must have.

sravani.kambhampati June 2, 2020

+1 I am looking for similar feature

0 votes
Mirko Di Serafino
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
November 21, 2018

+1 for this feature on the cloud version

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