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Sourcetree 2.3.5: Is there a simple way to show the full path location of the repository of my tab?

G B November 30, 2017

In version 2.0+ the bookmarks have been moved to tabs and the bookmarks overview to the new + tab. But I have bookmarks with the same name that are actually in a different file location. It would be nice if I could hover over the tab name and it shows the full path of the (local) repository or that the +tab shows the full path names of the local repositories as well.

Or do I miss something and is there a better way then right-click the bookmark and choose "Show in explorer", copy paste the path and rename the bookmark to the fullpath?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 30, 2017


There isn't at the moment, but that you for the suggestion. You can raise enhancement/new feature requests at

G B December 4, 2017

Thanks Michael, yes I copy pasted the question in JIRA. Edit May, 2, 2022: The JIRA issue seems to get ignored as long as it does not get votes, please vote for the issue if you would like to get this solved: 


G B December 12, 2017
  1. Actually the + tab is very buggy. After I rename a bookmark via right click "Rename" to the full path, the selection of the bookmark is not cleared, so when I select another repository I have two blue selections. That is probably the reason why "Show In Explorer" keeps being grey after that moment. The workaround is to close the +tab and reopen it again (although sometimes I need to do that a few times after each other).
  2. Newly added repositories via file->open are not present on the +tab, also not after close and reopen the plus tab. Workaround is to drag them on the page instead.
  3. sometimes the rename option is grey as well (not sure, I believe I ran into this as well)

  4.  Why is the "Remove bookmark from folder" option always grey?

  5. The delete dialog box that pops-up after I right-click and select "Delete" is different when there is a refresh icon behind the repository name, in that case I can only delete the repository and there is no "Remove Bookmarks" button on the pop-up dialog.

James Spielvogel June 6, 2018

They just need to bring back the old bookmark bar docked on the left. The new tabs, a single row, is impossible to use. In newer versions like 2.6.3, it actually force-unloads/reloads tabs every time you switch between them.  It's painfully slow, and loses your place.  Imagine if your web browser did that... every time you click on a differnet tab, it unloads the tab, loses your place, and lets you stare at a blank page for 3 to 5 seconds before anything loads, and does this every single time you click between tabs. This is so utterly unacceptable that someone on the SourceTree team NEEDS TO GO. Or at least stand in a corner for a few minutes and think about what they've done.

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 8, 2018


We continue to treat performance as our highest priority, it is true that new features or changes can effect it, so we do review it regularly and attempt to address any issues that arrive.

For what its worth Sourcetree refreshes the contents of a tab whenever it comes into focus to ensure what is displayed on the screen accurately reflects the state of the underlying file system. It does this so that each tab can effectively sleep when out of focus, this greatly reduces the resources required by Sourcetree.

Regarding the bookmark view, please see

Thanks for taking the time to give feedback, its all appreciated.

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