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How to prevent changing background of Trello?

Deniz Ocak November 14, 2017


My question is a little bit different. We use Trello with our team, I'm one of the admins. How can I prevent our team members to change the Trello background? We don't want members to change the Trello background. 

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Matthew N
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November 14, 2017

Hey Deniz

It is not currently possible to prevent a user from changing the background of a board, unless they're just an observer of the board.  

Philip Pages
I'm New Here
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December 30, 2018

this really seems like something only the admins of the board should be able to do.

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Mark Kidd
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September 12, 2019

we have admins that fight over what background should be used so 2 or 3 changes a day are quite common just from those guys. Add in the number of other users and I start to get a headache by the end of the day.

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Pamela Lebeck March 26, 2020

This should be Admin ONLY -  Users are toggling backgrounds and it is driving everyone nuts! 

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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October 5, 2021

Our group is having a background war right now and we really need to be able to stop it. 

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