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Re-enter account and password whenever I push or pull from git server after upgrade sourcetree2.5

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July 6, 2017

Before sourceTree 2.3.1 in OSX Sierra ,it's very good at anything. But when i upgrade to the newlest 2.5.3 , it's my hell. Everytime , i need to push or pull from git, sourceTree ask me to enter account & password even i use the remember it in keychain option in the dialog. So please help me to fix this problem. thank you so so much to everybody.

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Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 7, 2017

Hi! Are you using SSH or HTTPS?

If you're using SSH, can you run this command to see which key is your SSH agent offering, whenever you get this error again?

ssh-add -L

There seems to be a known issue with MacOS Sierra not rememebering SSH keys after rebooting that might be affecting you, you can see it at MacOs Sierra doesn't remember SSH keys between reboots.

If you're using HTTPS, can you check that the URL you're using as the remote includes the username (so it's something like When asked to log in SourceTree tries to load previously saved passwords, but it needs a username and a host to be unambiguous. If your remote URL has no username specified, ST uses the default one (see Tools > Options > Authentication) and tries to use that default user name and saved password, if present. If those credentials don't give you access to the repo you'll be given a login prompt instead.

If the above doesn't work, can you try using the command line and see if you get any error?

Let us know!


I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
July 7, 2017

I uses SSH URL for git

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