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Bitbucket back up client documentation returns 503

Neetu July 5, 2017



I am working on upgrading Bitbucket server and would like to do a backup using a backup client which I have used previously.However, I am not able to find any documentation related to 4.14 version. Right now we are at 4.12 but The version we use won't support the version. I was planning on upgrading the backup client to the latest version but failing to find any documentation related to it. All returns 503


Can you please help me with it? Let me know if you have any questions.

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Atlassian Team
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July 5, 2017

I'm not seeing a 503, but it looks like there was an issue very recently: is unavailable for some users.

As a reminder, the documentation site ( has a status page at .

Neetu July 7, 2017

Thanks, It is resolved now

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