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stash pull request settings on branch level

jchittum April 8, 2016

Is it possible to set pull request settings on a branch instead of repo level? Example:

We allow teams to set pull-requests on all repos other than release/*. Release/* pull-requests are required. On every repo, we want release/* to require pull-requests to have a successful build. however, on develop/* or feature/*, or anything else, we don't care. There are teams that want to require pull-requests on multiple branches, as they're managing open projects, but do not want there to be a successful build every time (especially for small changes, like uprevving the component version in a POM). 

If there's no way to set this now, is it on the roadmap? This would be supremely helpful for our workflow.

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June 29, 2017

Is there a JIRA for this feature request? 

I'd like to upvote.

I'm New Here
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June 29, 2017

I have found this plugin:

Looks like it can set merge restrictions PER branch name/pattern etc

Ulrich Kuhnhardt _IzymesDev_
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July 2, 2017

Try workzone for Bitbucket. It allows you to configure advanced merge restrictions on branch(pattern) level. Available for Bitbucket 4 and 5. 

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jchittum April 8, 2016

they are branches inside a repository

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Ulrich Kuhnhardt _IzymesDev_
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April 8, 2016

I'm confused about the wording. Are release/* , develop/* , feature/* repositories (and not branches)?

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Tim Crall
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April 8, 2016

You can require Pull Requests at the branch level on a repo by going to Settings -> Branch Permissions.  I'm not even aware of how else you would do it.

Screen Shot 2016-04-08 at 8.45.06 AM.png

jchittum April 8, 2016

Yes, but i can set pull request behavior on the branch level, not repo level

Tim Crall
Rising Star
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April 8, 2016

ah, oops, just re-read your question and parsed it more successfully this time.  No, I don't think you can do that currently.



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