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Due dates in lists?

Richard J Dolmat June 27, 2017

Hi all!


New Trello user here. I'd like to have a due date for each list. That way I can keep my team moving on a tight schedule by forcing them to complete/move cards to each list by a certain date. 

How do I do that?


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Matthew N
Rising Star
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June 27, 2017

Hey Richard

It's not possible to add a due date for the list itself, only the cards within the list.  

You can use Butlerbot to assist you with assigning a due date to each card that is added to a list by using a command such as when i add a card to list "Big Date", set due for 6/14/2017 to reduce the clicks it takes to assign a due date to each card.

Richard J Dolmat June 27, 2017

ok awesome thanks! I'll have to learn that!

For now I'm basically just writing the Due Date in the list name  ha ha!


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Bart Versteegen
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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August 8, 2017


How exactly do I set a condition in Butlerbot like your: 'when I add a card to list x'? For some reason, I'm either over looking the function or it isn't available for me. 

Could you elaborate? 


Matthew N
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
August 8, 2017

Hey Bart

are you using the Butler power up or did you add Butler to your board from the official butler board?

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