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SSH connection failed with pipeline

Alesclandre May 19, 2017


I tried to connect to ssh with pipelines, but got this error : 


Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal. 
ssh_askpass: exec(/usr/bin/ssh-askpass): No such file or directory
Permission denied, please try again.


I used the bitbucket keys, and installed them on my server.

Was wondering if it could from the docker image. I used the default one.

Any suggestion ?


6 answers

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Alesclandre June 2, 2017

For those who ask, the only thing that worked for me is to use ssh-agent (see the answer before : I can't copy and paste it here because of the spam filters of this forum)

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September 15, 2018

In my case I forgot to fetch fingerprint from the server I'm trying to SSH.


You can fetch fingerprint on the same page where you added the SSH keys: Settings->Pipeline->SSH Keys.

Dimitrios Doukas
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December 1, 2018

Same here. I got that error after changing the server domain name and forgot to fetch the new fingerprint.

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Mark Drew
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November 23, 2018

I struggled with this for a day and followed all the comments without it working.

The one thing that eventually worked for me was letting bitbucket create the private and public keys and using those instead of the ones I created myself. 

I then added the public key (as it says ) to the server's `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file (as a new line) 

It all then worked.

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April 16, 2020

Thanks! This worked for me.

0 votes
ofo May 26, 2017

I could ssh my ubuntu server without any problem after having created a key in bitbucket pipelines as describred in doc.

I use the node:6.9.4 image and simply added 

ssh -t "cd /var/my/path ; yarn install -prod"

in my pipeline script.

Did you add the target server in known_hosts ?

What is the line in the script that throws the message ?

Alesclandre May 29, 2017

Thanks for your answer.

I didn't add the target server in known_hosts because bitbucket asks for the key fingerprint of the server. I thought it was sufficient.

But I finally managed to make it work by adding :

- eval `ssh-agent -s`
- ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
- ssh-add -l

before the ssh command, if I use a custom made key.

This trick doesn't work for bitbucket keys, but I should try to add this known_hosts file.

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Alesclandre May 30, 2017

So I had a look, and know_hosts contains the good server key.

I tried your image and it seemed to change something but I think my server is rejecting my IP now after too much tries... 

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ofo May 30, 2017

You do not need to provide to Bitbucket the key fingerprint of your server; it is computed using the address (or name) you provide in Pipeline settings.


Alesclandre May 30, 2017

Yes, you provide the server, and you fetch the fingerprint. Then bitbucket add it to the known_hosts (I checked and it is what it does).


Alesclandre June 2, 2017

Ok, so I retried what you told me, and it still doesn't work. I will stick to ssh-agent then...

0 votes
Alesclandre May 19, 2017

I think this is linked to the fact that bitbucket SSH key has provided a passphrase. So I need to enter this passphrase (which I don't know) in order this to work. 

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Alesclandre May 19, 2017

The first line is resolved by adding -T to the ssh command, whic removes the need for an interactive terminal.

Stays the ssh_askpass command ?

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