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How can I allow anonymous users to create issues?

Rising Star
Rising Star
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January 31, 2013

I have tried following the instructions at Allowing users to create issues anonymously but found that when an anonymous user tries to create an issue, JIRA prevents the issue being created as Reporter is a required field.

How can we require​ Reporter to be filled in for normal users, but allow it to be blank (or filled in with Anonymous) for anonymous logins?

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Immanuel Siagian
Rising Star
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January 31, 2013

Hi Mark,

You can go the field configuration scheme and set the reporter to be optional. This way, any anonymous user who creates an issue will have the reporter as anonymous.

Also, I would like to recommend Issue Collector Plugin, where you can give the users the ability to create a issue/feedback in a simpler form, rather than the create issue screen.

Hope this helps.

Rising Star
Rising Star
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February 5, 2013

How does the first part of your answer actually answer my question? Quote "How can we require​ Reporter to be filled in for normal users, but allow it to be blank (or filled in with Anonymous) for anonymous logins?". If I follow that advice it will remove the requirement for logged in users to fill out the Reporter! I will look into Issue Collector Plugin though.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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February 5, 2013

You can't do that, the reporter is either mandatory or optional, and it's a flat condition - you can't say "if X, then mandatory"

You could find/write a validator that you could add to the create transition.

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Renjith Pillai
Rising Star
Rising Star
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February 5, 2013

Create a validator using Script Runner for the Create action, check the authenticated user, and if it is anonymous allow empty Reporter, else throw an error.

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