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XML import into JIRA

Shawn Selway
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September 14, 2011

I have been tasked with moving 100+ items from to JIRA 4.3. The allows csv but does not include the comments so thats not good. I was able to get an XML dump which includes everything but I am having problems figuring out how to add / import it into the local JIRA which we are testing out.

Any ideas how to get this .XML file to import this one project?


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Rising Star
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September 15, 2011

For just a few items. retype them. Honest! For more than a few, convert the XML to the format expected by the CSV importer which can handle comments. Then use that.

Andrzej Pasterczyk
Rising Star
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February 28, 2012

I'd also go with CSV import. You should be able to easily translate XML into CSV, e.g using XSLT templates, existing applications or your own code.

CSV import is great as it will preserve the comments dates/users and you can even import attachments via downloadable URLs (watch out if attachment download requires HTTP authentication as it's not supported).

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