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Adding inline comments in a confluence page

Erick Rodriguez
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August 15, 2012

I want to be able to add comments to a page that are inline with the content, instead of only being able to comment at the bottom.

The comment would be: text, plus the date-time and the name and picture of the commenter.

This will be useful when reviewing requirements and design pages we have in confluence.

Would probably be good to comment it without having to get into edit mode (similar to the kwick plugin from spartez, but these are just sticky notes), or like some piece of content in edit mode (like inserting an image or a table).

I guess I have to do this by creating a plugin, but I would like to know the type of plugin I need to create in order to achieve this.


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Rising Star
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August 15, 2012

Does this plugin suit your need?

kristofferb March 11, 2014

Would be nice to have this functionality for OnDemand instances as well!

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