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mysqli not found: pipeline docker for PHPunit

archergod September 20, 2016

I just try my hand on pipeline feature and I have some PHPUnit test written for my project. I run those test fine on my local machine. When I choose PHP from Pipeline activation for my project it give me PHPUnit test 5.0.3 machine which is fine for my test, but it give mysqli not found for php. 

Is there anyway I can install this using YML configuration? or any other way for my test to run as build steps.

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Sten Pittet
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September 21, 2016

Hi Sumit,

The default PHP Docker image provided in the example doesn't have MySQL installed and I believe that this is why you're getting the mysqli not found error.

A workaround would be to use an image that has PHP and MySQL both installed such as You can follow the link and have a look at the documentation to understand how to use it or by looking at the Docker image to create your own.



archergod September 21, 2016

I try the suggested Docker on local Docker setup to ensure it has everything I need, but this docker miss PHPunit. do you know any docker that has both and is from known developer/company. I don't want to use customize docker from anyone else.

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