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How to migrate data from Kerio Workspace to Confluence

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January 31, 2015

I tried to hold on as long as possible after Kerio screwed it's customers with Workspace, but now it's time to move. Does anyone have experience with having to do this? I'm able to get a data export that contains an xml file and a directory of files. I know I will have to write a script to parse this data file but what should the script do? How should I write the script so that I can get his content into Confluence? Am I strictly limited to Confluence's API or can Confluence understand a differently formatted data file for importing?

Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



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I'm New Here
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March 27, 2015

I decided that Confluence was overkill for what we needed. I'm building a workspace replacement with Rails/MySQL. I'm currently working on parsing the data xml with Nokogiri and so far I'm quite pleased with the results even though the data export they gave us is complete crap. They could have made things a lot easier for us but most developers like to make things overly complicated. Also, the export is not fault tolerant. I normally get corrupted zip files from the export that I have to fix.

I plan to put it on github when it's done. It won't be a complete migration of every component, though, as we didn't really use all of the widgets. But I think the code will be easy to follow and people can fork it and expand on it.

I'll post in the Kerio forums when it's ready. Maybe in a month or so.

Sneak peek...

Screen Shot 2015-03-27 at 11.30.38 AM.png


Karel Varel
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November 23, 2015

Hi Christopher, have you finished your workspace replacement? I am very interested in that. Thank you for answer.

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Mike Brogan
I'm New Here
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March 27, 2015

Hi Christopher,

Did you get anywhere with this? I'm looking to help someone move from Workspace to Confluence and if a script exists, that would be awesome. 

Thanks, Mike

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Bob Swift (personal)
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January 31, 2015

If you resort to scripting, then Confluence Command Line Interface (CLI) can help with that. Simplest if you can just do plain text or wiki for page content (default). Or convert to markdown and push that through the CLI markdown conversion support. Confluence XHTML would be your other data format option.  

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