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Can I use a Wildcard SSL Certificate with HipChat Server?

Jeff Dickerson February 25, 2016

I am working to get a new HipChat Server set up. I have a wildcard SSL certificate that the Powers-That-Be insist should work fine. On the surface it does appear to work.

Unfortunately, I'm running into a litany of errors, the most serious of which is that all integrations are failing. Some are failing to setup at all (Confluence, Stash/BitBucket), and some install, but notifications fail to arrive (JIRA, Jenkins). I've also run into issues installing new integrations (Alias and Standup, to be specific) that fail with 500 internal server error.

The system is running entirely internal to our corporate network, but it is able to connect out to the internet.

Should the wildcard certificate work? Or do I need to push for a host specific certificate to be created?

1 answer

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 25, 2016

It should be fine with wildcard SSL certificate as long as it correctly configured (and not self signed). Can you check against the tools like to see if the certificate is good?

Jeff Dickerson February 26, 2016


Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, I'm unable to use ssl-checker, as the system isn't publicly accessible. Could that be the issue?

Thanks again


David Maye
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 26, 2016

Hi Jeff,

On our system requirements page, it lists that port 443 TCP be open to the internet so that integrations can install and work. Most integrations rely on third-party servers to process the query/information using their API's (think GitHub or Giphy) so this is the reason for the requirement.

Of course, you can run HipChat Server completely shut off from the web, it's just that all integrations will fail to install. The caveat to that are the Atlassian core server products (JIRA, Confluence, etc) which have the HipChat integration already installed server-side and can be configured to communicate without reaching out to the web.

I hope this clarifies!

HipChat Server Support Engineer | Atlassian

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