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Cannot remove "Subversion" remote

Johannes Ernst
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June 13, 2013

I converted a SVN repository into Git from the command-line. On the command-line it now says this:

$ git remote

But in SourceTree, the sidebar shows two remotes:

* origin
* Subversion

If I click on "Subversion" and select "Remove Subversion..." from the popup, nothing happens.

How do I get rid of that remote?

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Rising Star
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June 13, 2013

Yeah the git-svn integration doesn't show up as a real remote in git, SourceTree makes it look like one for simplicity.

The simplest way to get rid of all the old Subversion metadata if you no longer want it is to re-clone the repository, but if you want to clean it out manually you can do this:

  • delete .git/svn
  • remove the 'svn-remote' entry from .git/config

Jerome Bail
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I'm New Here
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July 1, 2014


I was about to ditch SourceTree because it was extremely slow. getting rid of that unused svn reference fix most of them.

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