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creating multiple remote repos on Bitbucket from local repos using SourceTree

Sammy Moore
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March 27, 2013

I've tried to look for this with the search tool, but I'm either not wording my phrase right, or I'm trying to do something completely unsupported.

I'm new to git and have been using github for mac to play with the workflow of DVCS. I am looking for a solution for our company and think Bitbucket might be it since they host everything privately.

We currently have a hundred or so small pieces of custom code kept in seperate directories depending on client/project on a windows file server. I would somehow like to make each one of these directories repositories and be able to do the initial push/creation to Bitbucket, much like I can do with the GitHub application. Is that possible at all with SourceTree? If it were a few repos to add from BB's web interface, it wouldn't be so bad, but since its hundreds, it would be far easier to drag the project root directory in, do the initial commit, and then push to the server.

Hopefully this request makes sense.



edit - To clarify; On my local machine, I would like to drag in a project directory into SourceTree and make it a git repository, I then want to commit it and push it to bitbucket. I would like this to create the remote repo on bitbucket.

2 answers

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Deleted user April 4, 2013

I have the same problem. Definately need a feature that can push a new local repo to bitbucket and also create a new bitbucket repo at the same time.

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Rising Star
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March 28, 2013

You can drag a folder in to SourceTree and if it's not a repository already it will open the New Repository window so you can create a repository for it.

As for creating the repo on Bitbucket, you can do this by clicking on Settings, then Add in the remote list. Instead of providing the URL manually you can click the 'globe' button to open up the hosted repositories view, which is where you can enter your Bitbucket account details (and other hosts). This will enable you to simply pick a BB repo as your remote, or create a new one.

There isn't a bulk way of doing this though.

Sammy Moore
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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April 2, 2013

I see the globe option for the mac version of SourceTree, but is there this same feature in Windows? I've been testing for Mac and Windows and the Mac side seems to have more remote repository browsing and creation features, including the missing globe.

Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 3, 2013

The Windows version will be catching up with the Mac version over time, API access to Bitbucket is one of those features that hasn't made it in yet, but will in time.

Mark Stega
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I'm New Here
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May 29, 2014

Is there any time frame for getting the Windows version of SourceTree updated to support creating the repo on BitBucket?

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