Can't see Checklist custom field after adding it to a project

John Blanch May 1, 2016



I've added checklist custom field to a project in Jira, but can't see the field when creating or editing an issue.

checklist 1.PNG

It's not hidden.

checklist 2.PNG

So not really sure how to troubleshoot this further...




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Yves Riel _Okapya_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
May 2, 2016

Hi John,

Everything seems to be in order from what you describe. If you don't have any options, then the checklist will not be visible on the issue screen until it has values in it. You will need to click on the edit button in the issue details view to open up the edit dialog. Then the checklist should be there.




John Blanch May 5, 2016

Thanks Yves.

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