how to disable sql and sql-query macros in the plugin SQL for confluence

samuel_ballé May 4, 2015


Improving the security, in the user documentation for sql-file macro I read as option B  : disable as administrator the sql and sql-query macros.

But I cannot find how to do it.

It is not in the plugin configuration and the documentation hints that it is a confluence standard.

2 answers

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Bob Swift (personal)
Rising Star
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May 4, 2015

Go to UPM and find the SQL add-on. Open the modules section (right hand side, standard UPM UI for add-ons). Hover over the right hand side of each row until the Disable button appears.

samuel_ballé May 4, 2015

Thanks, It works ! I understand now what Willam meant. Nice pluging Bob by the way.

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William Zanchet [Atlassian]
Rising Star
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May 4, 2015

Hey Samuel,

This is a third party plugin called: SQL Plus, you can go to Cog Icon > Add-ons and find this plugin there and disable accordingly.


samuel_ballé May 4, 2015

Hi, I do not want to disable the plugin. The plugin offers 3 macros, two of them can be considered unsecure and the documentation specifies that we have two methods to disable only those two leaving only the secured one. first method is to buy a plugin that does security over macros, second as administrator to disable only two of the three macros. I am trying the second method.

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