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Bamboo Job setup advice

Rafael Mahnovetskty March 20, 2013

I curently have a bamboo plan with stages setup like so

  1. build and test
  2. deploy snapshot
  3. deploy to dev(manual)
  4. deploy to qa(manual)
  5. deplo to prod(manual)

How can I setup the job so only certain users who have permission are allowed to deploy to dev, deploy to qa and deploy to prod.. Also I need it so each previous stage must be performed before the next.

If stages had permissions then this would be easy but that is still under development. Can I make it so stages 3,4,5 are also plans and that the are parent plans that must succeed before hand? is there a plugin that can take a password to allow execution?

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Sultan Maiyaki
Rising Star
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March 20, 2013

Hi Rafeal,

Yes you are right the stage permission is not yet implemented and I can see you have already commented on the open feature request at

I can say that it is logical to create a plan for 3,4,5 that depends on the first plan but still there is an issue of having a condition to decide whether the user can trigger a build or not. I believe this could be possible with a task plugin that can be made a final that can check conditions before triggering a plan

Rafael Mahnovetskty March 20, 2013

Thanks for your fast response. I think that answers my question. Though do you know of a task plugin that can help me out here or will I need to write one? I have not been able to find anything my self.

Sultan Maiyaki
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
March 20, 2013

I actually couldn`t find a plugin in our market place tht could do that leaving you with an option to develop your own task plugin

Rafael Mahnovetskty March 20, 2013

thanks for your help again. I'll look into making my own plugin.

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