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Is ZAPI compatible with Ranorex?

Nyasha Mukonoweshuro
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March 16, 2016

We are using Ranorex for test automation. We currently use Bamboo to manage our development builds and Zephyr to manually manage our test suites.


We are looking for a way to get Ranorex test results to report to our Zephyr test scripts. Is ZAPI the right tool for this?

3 answers

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Deleted user March 17, 2016

We use the Zapi APIs daily to record automated test results in Zephyr. The documentation for the APIs is lacking but otherwise we have been able to accomplish everything we need to do with the ZAPI apis

Swapna Kumar Vemula [Zephyr]
Rising Star
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March 17, 2016

Hi Jared,

If you face any issues implementing API's, please submit a case through our support portal so that we can help you to accomplish everything you need to do with the ZAPI.

Brian Ross March 17, 2016

Hello Jared,

Are there any documents you could refer someone to if they wanted to take on this task?  Any Lessons Learned you would be able to share?




Deleted user March 17, 2016

Hi Brian,
Here is the ZAPI API documentation:
The best way to go about this is to use Fiddler or Chrome dev tools to find the APIs being called by doing your process manually.
I can tell you quickly what APIs I use in our process then please feel free to ask any questions along the way. If you want I can give you my email.
We use the ZAPI apis and Zephyr for JIRA to record results for our automated UI and automated API tests. Here is the call sequence we use:

  •  GET https://{JIRA server}/rest/auth/latest/session (log into Jira)
  •  POST zapi/latest/cycle (Create Test Cycle)
  •  POST zapi/latest/execution/addTestsToCycle/ (Add Test Cases to Test Cycle)
  •  POST zapi/latest/execution (Start Test Cycle Execution)
  • GET zapi/latest/execution/navigator (This call in not in their documentation but when I manually perform what I need to do I see this is called. It simulated pressing the "E" execute button. If this is not called you cannot retrieve the test steps)
  • PUT zapi/latest/execution/{0}/execute (Start Test Issue Execution)
  • GET zapi/latest/stepResult/?expand=executionStatus&executionId={0} (Get Test Step Ids for current test issue)
  • PUT zapi/latest/stepResult/{0} (update test step results for the current test issue)
  • PUT zapi/latest/execution/{0}/execute (update overall status for current Test Issue)

    Let me know if you have any other questions.


Brian Ross March 17, 2016

Thank you Jared!

0 votes
Swapna Kumar Vemula [Zephyr]
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
March 16, 2016

HI Nyasha,

Yes, ZAPI is the right tool to achieve this. ZAPI enables access to Zephyr Test data out side JIRA by using any program/script. It can integrate with any other testing tools by implementing RESTful calls via  a program.

For this, you should check how to parse the test results from Ranorex via a code to inject the same to Zephyr for JIRA using ZAPI resources. For more information and technical documentation of ZAPI please access the link

You can reach out to Zephyr Support by submitting a case at any time seeking information/help implementing ZAPI.


Zephyr Support


0 votes
Brian Ross March 16, 2016

We have begun research on Ranorex to see if it will be a workable solution for our needs and currently use Zephyr, so I would be interested in this as well.


@Nyasha Mukonoweshuro - how do you like using Ranorex?





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