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Can you invite people to a Trello Board but only have visibility of cards they have been added to?

Andrew Whitehead
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May 7, 2024

So we are wanting to invite some Users to a Trello Board but only wanting to give them access to cards that they have been assigned to. Is there any way we can achieve this? Right now it appears that we can only add them to a Board and they will be able to see everything on that board.


Thanks so much for your help :)

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Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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May 8, 2024

Hi @Andrew Whitehead , welcome to the community :) short answer: no, there's no way to achieve that currently with Trello.

If you want a workaround, you could create a separate board for each user and sync the cards they need to see to their respective boards using butler automation or a true 2-way sync option like Unito.

Josh_Unito May 15, 2024

Thanks @Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows ! 

@Andrew Whitehead if you need a Trello consultant, Hannah is a superstar.

If you're curious about Unito, here's a Trello Trello integration tutorial I put together detailing how to set up the Board Sync Power-Up in around 15 minutes that perpetually keeps data in sync between all cards in multiple boards. You can add filters to only sync some cards within those boards so there's a lot of flexibility depending on your use case.

As Hannah mentioned, in this case you'd want to create a separate board for your visitors, then sync only the cards you want them to see from your main board. Rules in Unito are really simple to set up. You can use any field in Trello as a condition for which cards to sync and when. Here's a quick screenshot from a demo flow I just created to try and match the use case you're describing:

Trello Guest Board Rules.png

It's just a simple point-and-click menu in which I added a rule to only sync cards from my Trello "Main Board" in the List "Client ABC" into my "Guest Board" and set it to a default list I created called "For Review". 

As an alternative, I could have synced cards by label, assignee, etc.

Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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May 15, 2024


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