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When is the Ubuntu stock image going to be updated?

Matthew Hill
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August 10, 2016

This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: stock images

The Ubuntu stock image for Bamboo AMI is based on Vervid, which was EOL'd in Feb. 2016 (  It should be pointed out that basing the image on a non-LTS release was painfully short-sighted.  The 16.04 release, Xenial, will be supported until 2021, which would be an ideal update for Ubuntu stock image.  Any chance this could be expected in the near future?

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Przemek Bruski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 10, 2016

Xenial images will be released with Bamboo 5.13, which should happen within a week or two.

Mori Bellamy
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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December 28, 2016

1) Is this the best image I should use for a custom elastic-bamboo AMI? If i read the contents of atlassian-bamboo-elastic-image-6.0.ami I get per-zone AMIs.

2) Is this AMI compatible with bamboo server? ?

3) Where is the best place I can read about elastic bamboo AMIs? Where is the best place I can ask for support?


Please advise, thanks.


Przemek Bruski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 29, 2016
  1. Yes.
  2. Yes, it's the same image we would use for cloud.
  3. Depends on what kind of information you need. Typically, it's best to SSH into the agent instance and look around.
Mori Bellamy
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
January 3, 2017

Thanks! I had trouble with docker in the latest ubuntu images (6.0) so I posted another question Hope this helps some other people.

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