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Using, not importing, Redmine tasks.

Anthony Servedio November 13, 2013


I would like to try and maybe switch to stash. But I do not want to use JIRA, at least not yet. I have a working setup with redmine that I would like not to change for now.

I use issue numbers in git commits to link them to redmine issues. I believe stash can do the same thing but I would like not to have to sync and duplicate redmine issues to something else.

Can I setup stash to work with redmine and not use Jira?


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Michael Heemskerk
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 14, 2013

Hi Anthony,

You can't set up Stash to work with Redmine issues out of the box, but it is possible to write a plugin that provides integration with Redmine.

The JIRA integration in Stash has been implemented as a plugin, so in theory you could write a plugin that replicates that integration for Redmine (and possibly share / sell it on Atlassian Marketplace), but it'll be some work :).

In short, the JIRA integration plugin:

  • provides a ChangesetIndexer module, which scans the commit message for JIRA keys. For each JIRA key it finds, it adds an attribute to the changeset in the ChangesetIndex.
  • On the commits list, changeset page and pull request pages, it provides web panels to inject the JIRA issue links.

There's a bit more going on behind the scenes, but that's essentially the way the JIRA integration has been implemented. I'd be happy to provide a bit more information if you're interested in implementing such a plugin.



Anthony Servedio November 17, 2013

That's awesome! Exactly the possibility I was hoping for!

I'll look at the code and the language (java I guess), check if I feel comfortable making the changes and definitly get back to you on that.


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ramnatarajan May 15, 2018

I am trying to do the same thing with links.

Can you please look at my post and let me know if i am doing anything wrong?




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Dimitar Pavlov
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 17, 2013

My question exactly. If you create it as an open source project, do tell :)

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 14, 2013

Redmine is essentially an issue tracker. Stash is not. So, the general answer is no.

Anthony Servedio November 14, 2013
From what I understood, jira seems to do like redmine, and jira can be used with stash.. hence it's reasonable to believe redmine could be used with stash no?

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