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Account not yet created - workspace guest

Tancredi Leone March 29, 2023

Hi there, 
A while ago I've invited a few people to join my boards. 
Now I see the notice "Account not yet created - workspace guest" next to their @username within the share window. 

Does that mean that they can view the boards and are able to comment/reply to discussions? 

Or does it mean that they need to create an account in order to do so?

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Rafał Chomik March 29, 2023

Hi Tancerdi,

Guest are able to see only Workspace board to which they are invited. Thay are also able to make actions on the board like other members - including comments.

You can read more about Trello Board guests in official Atlassian docs 
Trello Board guests 

Regards :) 

Tancredi Leone March 30, 2023

Thank you, I was aware of that, it is not what I was asking though. 

My question is when I see this "Account not yet created - workspace guest" next to the username of the person I've invited to join the board, does it mean they can already see the board and make actions or not?

Morten Aaby
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July 6, 2023

I have the exact same question

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