Customware Linking plugin license expired (free plugin)

Terry Smith December 2, 2013

On our Confluence 4.3 installation, the free Customware plugin (vn 3.0.2) is reporting an expired license and refusing to function. Installed the latest version (3.0.6) of the plugin, but no change.

plugin key: net.customware.confluence.plugin.linking

We are using it for inserting external URL links in wiki pages that popup the target web site in another window.

3 answers

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Answer accepted
Terry Smith December 10, 2013

Nope, can't see any "Answered" option either. This is crazy. There should just be some sort of "Close" option where I can flag the question as having been answered.

0 votes
Terry Smith December 9, 2013


How do I close this question? I can't see any "Close" option.

Zul NS _Atlassian_
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 9, 2013

Marking my asnwer as Answered will consider this question closed. :)

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Zul NS _Atlassian_
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 3, 2013

Please download the free license key from ServiceRocket page in

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