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Why can I only invite Workspace members and not single board guests as a premium member?

Amy Boyd
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November 1, 2022

I used to be able to share an invite and easily add single board members to my Workspace. Something has changed over the past 6 months.  Now I can't invite anyone without paying. There's no option where I will not be billed. I"m the administrator.


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Hamza Chundrigar
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November 1, 2022

Hi @Amy Boyd 

Welcome the community!

Can you please confirm that the guest you are trying to invite to your Trello workspace does not already exist in another board within the same workspace?

I’m sure you already know this but worth pointing out anyway. There are two types of guests

  • Single Board Guests
  • Multi-Board Guests

Free guest: A person who is invited to a single board in a Workspace is a single-board guest. This user is not billable.

Billable guest: A board member who is on two or more Standard or Premium Workspace boards is a multi-board guest of that Workspace. Multi-board guests are billed at the same rate as a normal Workspace member and consume a seat license.




Amy Boyd
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November 3, 2022

Turns out, I was prevented from adding a guest to a board because I had inadvertantly unchecked that option in the Workspace settings a long time ago when I originally intended to restrict access to the board.

Under Workspace SettingsSharing boards with guests, I needed to change the setting to this option: Anybody can be added to boards inside this Workspace.

Robin Guinot
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November 23, 2022

Hi @Hamza ChundrigarDo single board members have access to premium features like Calendar and Planning views. My guests do not have access to these views (they are all single board members).  Maybe I need to invite them another way to the board?

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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September 8, 2023

I think everyone that is mindful of data security would unclick the "share board with guests" option as the menu text changes to this once you allow guests:

Sharing boards with guests

Anybody can send or receive invitations to boards in this Workspace.

...implying that other people can invite randos to your boards.  Whether this is a copy error by the UX team or a subscription trap by trellos membership team is up for debate...


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Natasha Woods December 1, 2022

Hi, I am continuing to have this same problem - I only have one board but as soon as I try to add one person to that board, it adds them as a billed member. 

I already have the setting-Sharing boards with guests- set to anybody as previously suggested. 

When I am on that board - I add them there, I can't see who else to add them. I have a standard plan, which says I can have single board guests. 

In Settings - members - guests - there is no option to send an invite from there.


Any further help greatly appreciated as I am only a solo business owner. Thank you

Jacob Feinberg January 2, 2023

I have the same question as @Natasha Woods. I have a standard plan with a few members but don't see a way to add single board guests without paying for a new member instead. 

Natasha Woods January 2, 2023

Eventually, I managed to get this to work, by adding them as a member, then removing them and then I was able to add them as a guest. it didn't seem to work the first time I tried, but did when I did it again. 

I hope you manage to get it working :) 

Jacob Feinberg January 4, 2023

Thanks for letting me know. It seemed like they would automatically bill for adding the member. Is that not what happened?

Natasha Woods January 4, 2023

yes, the member gets automatically added, as you say, but then when you delete them and it is taken off again. When I repeated this process, the member I was trying to add just as a guest was then listed differently (sorry I can't remember exactly how it happened) but I was then able to find them under the guests tab. good luck!

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