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Where does one get to see the legend (color codes and patterns in use) for Jira Advanced Roadmap

Tarang November 28, 2022

I am getting my head around the Jira Advanced Roadmap (really an oxymoron as the old interface was the advanced way to develop & view Roadmaps for Agile teams - vs. reverting to gnatt charts!!)


Anyhow where does one find the legend for topographical elements in use on the Roadmap i.e colors (blue, black, purple), patterns (cross hatch vs. solid).

I couldn't readily find it in the documentation on:


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Daniel Capizzi
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 28, 2022

Hi @Tarang

You can find documentation for the symbols used in Advanced Roadmaps documented on this page:

The page linked is documentation for the Cloud version of Advanced Roadmaps, however the symbols used are shared across both Cloud and Server with only very minor differences.

As @Sam_Spencer has mentioned, for the colours used on your Roadmap please check the "Colour by" option under the "View settings" menu in the top right hand corner of your roadmap.

Hope this helps, and please feel free to let me know if there's anything else I can help clarify!



Tarang November 29, 2022

Thank you and this is perfect, wonder why it doesn't seem to be part of the key concepts document, you know linked into it.

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Sam Spencer November 28, 2022

Hi @Tarang ,

I don't think I'm quite answering your question as I'm not pointing you to a legend, however the color scheme is something you can manage yourself.

When you are looking at a plan there is the 'View Settings" button on the top left hand corner of the screen.

This button expands to give the color settings where you can choose which attribute you wish to apply colors by and then choose the color scheme.


Plan Colors.PNG

Tarang November 29, 2022

thank you as I had overlooked this part.

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