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subtree in SourceTree

m November 17, 2013

I know you can use submodules, can you use subtree commands in SourceTree?


3 answers

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Aditya Sreekumar
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January 29, 2014

any updates on this yet Kieran?

Rising Star
Rising Star
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January 29, 2014

Hey Aditya,

As my last comment said:

"It won't be in the next release as that development stream is in lockdown, so the release after that. We release pretty frequently for Windows so you won't be waiting too long."


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Eric Newton
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I'm New Here
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January 15, 2014


Just wondering if this is present in the Windows versions yet? I peeked at the issue and it "acts" like its in, but I see no "Subtrees" section in my repository after establishing a subtree

Rising Star
Rising Star
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January 16, 2014

It's being actively worked on, that much I can tell you ;)

Eric Newton
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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January 16, 2014

This is good to hear, and I hope it gets released post-haste...

I literally just approved using git-subtree due to SourceTree's support of it, until we realized the gotcha is that its not on the Windows version.

Anyways, thanks for the quick response. I would love to find out a planned release date if you can find that out.

Rising Star
Rising Star
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January 16, 2014

It won't be in the next release as that development stream is in lockdown, so the release after that. We release pretty frequently for Windows so you won't be waiting too long.


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Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 17, 2013

It's being actively worked on, watch this space :)

m November 17, 2013

OK. Cool. In both Mac and PC?


Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 17, 2013

Mac first, Windows to follow (as is usually the case at the moment). Which one are you looking for?

m November 17, 2013

Both. We use it in both OS

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